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The work with EIRA was initiated in 1995 and the research project is developed continuously to stay updated with new ideas and the latest research findings. Therefore the survey has also changed form during the course of the study.


The questionnaires are designed to give as much information as possible, without becoming to strenuous for the respondents to answer. Our ambition is to gather as much information about as many individuals as possible, because it gives the most reliable results. One of our strengths is also the high responding frequency amongst those who have been asked to participate.


EIRA I was used from 1996 to 2006.





EIRA I was updated in 2005. The new survey called EIRA II is still used.




Since 2008 the EIRA participants are also followed up with this EIRA outcome survey.


EIRA Outcome


The covers of the questionnaires are decorated with paintings by Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). Renoir who was struck with rheumatoid arthritis in his 40’s continued to be artistically active during the remainder of his lifetime.




Follow-up Rheumatology units Articles Affiliates EIRA I and II

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